Grand Rapids, MI Polaris Window Contractors

UltraWeld Window:

  1. Tilt Latches have an updated look. They give the window smoother operation and better performance on structural testing
  2. A Groove in the bottom of the sash for vinyl "fin" (just inside inner sill dam) to lock into, creating a secure fit
  3. A Higher Sill Dam helps increase higher structural numbers. A beveled edge creates a more streamlined, clean finish.
Grand Rapids, MI Polaris Window Contractors

ThermaWeld Plus Window:

  1. Fusion Welded Frame and Sash Corners are strong and free from gaps.
  2. Heavy Duty CamStyle Locks & Keepers offer a secure and air-tight seal against the elements.
  3. Sash Limit Locks limit sash travel with a secure, partial opening.
Grand Rapids, MI Polaris Window Contractors

DynaWeld Window:

  1. Fusion Welded Frame and Sash Corners are strong and free from gaps. Corners are not compromised with knock outs or gaps.
  2. Sash Limit Locks allow secure partial opening for ventilation.
  3. Lift Rails are part of sash extrusion, not added later.

Why Polaris Vinyl?

  • Vinyl compound is a highly specialized material that is manufactured under stringent conditions.
  • Sixty percent of all vinyl is converted into construction applications.
  • Vinyl extrusions are designed by Polaris Windows & Doors®.


  • Superior impact resistance.
  • No cracking, splitting, peeling, chalking pigments prevent uv radiation degradation.
  • Performs under varying conditions of rain, cold, wind and sun.
  • Fusion welded frame and sash corners are strong and free from gaps.
  • Multi chamber extrusions are stronger than solid material, multiple walls create favorable strength to weight ratios.
Grand Rapids, MI Polaris Window Contractors


  • Resists denting, cracking, splitting, warping and twisting
  • Adjustable hinge plate system
  • Polyurethane foam core fills every void to protect from heat loss or gain
  • Composite lock block provides secure mounting for door hardware. Won't absorb moisture or swell like wood lock blocks
  • G40 Hot-Dipped Galvanized Steel - more resistant to rust than typical, electro-galvanized doors, even in high moisture or coastal environments
  • Fire rated up to 90 minutes
  • Limited lifetime warranty
Grand Rapids, MI Polaris Window Contractors

ThermaWeld Plus Patio Door:

  1. Foot Operated Dead Bolt provides an extra lock point for added security with a partial opening.
  2. Fusion Welding at the door panel corners transforms four vinyl extrusions into a strong, one-piece door.
  3. A Sloped, Aluminum-Reinforced Sill guides rainwater outside and away from the door.

To request a design consultation for Polaris Windows, please call (616) 446-1248. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.