Does Your House Need Replacement Windows Grand Rapids

Thinking of replacing windows? You’re not alone. Many homeowners decide their homes need replacement windows when they notice drafts, higher energy bills, or have difficulty opening and closing windows.

The best windows will last you for over a decade, which is why it’s important to think of window replacement as an investment in your home.

Here’s what you need to know.

Are Replacement Windows Worth the Cost?

Windows can last up to 15 years with proper maintenance. Yet, you may need to replace your windows sooner if they decrease your security, comfort, and/or energy savings.

While you may be able to live with higher energy bills, not being able to open and close your windows affects your ability to escape a fire. Likewise, not being able to lock a window puts you at risk for intruders entering your home.

Use your best judgement and call us when you’re ready for window replacement.

How Do I Know if I Need to Replace My Windows?

  • It’s difficult to open or close windows.
  • You can feel drafts around your windows.
  • You have high energy bills.
  • There’s condensation trapped between double or triple pane windows.

Difficulty Opening or Shutting Windows

When the snow melts, you’ll want to open your windows to let in fresh air. However, if you are having difficulty opening or shutting windows, you may want to consider getting new ones.

If you have wooden windows, fluctuations in temperature and humidity may have caused the frame to move enough that it interferes with opening or shutting windows. Wood replacement windows can solve this problem and last you for years to come.

The whole point of having windows in your home is to be able to look outside and let in fresh air. Keep in mind that windows that don’t open can also be dangerous in the event of a fire because they eliminate potential escape routes.

Drafts around Windows

Do you have difficulty heating and cooling your home? Drafts around your windows may be to blame.

If caulking and weatherstripping hasn’t been effective, you may want to consider getting new exterior windows. Sealing your windows against the winter chill or summer heat is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

Older window styles may not have been designed with energy efficiency in mind, which means you might have problems with air leakage or infiltration.

If you are tired of having drafts enter your home through old windows, request a design consultation for window replacement.

High Energy Bills

Did you know that your windows can be a significant source of heat loss or heat gain in your home?

The more air leakage you have around old windows, the harder your furnace or A/C has to work to keep your home at the programmed temperature on your thermostat. 

Thankfully, energy efficient windows can help keep your home at a comfortable temperature year round (without high energy bills). For example, residential windows with low e-coatings are designed to reflect heat from the sun.

Vinyl replacement windows are also energy efficient because they help insulate your home. Many of the homeowners we work with appreciate that vinyl windows also need little maintenance.

Condensation in Triple or Double Pane Windows

Triple or double pane windows help shield your home from the temperatures outside. However, once the seal is broken between the glass panes, you’ll want to consider window replacement.

These types of windows aren’t as energy efficient once this seal is broken. Not to mention, the trapped condensation between the glass panes can make it difficult to see outside.

If you are tired of not being able to see through foggy glass, you’ll want to consider getting new home windows.

Learn More: How to Buy Replacement Windows >>

Request a Design Consultation for Replacement Windows

Our remodeling contractors in Grand Rapids, MI, offer window replacement and other services for your home. To request a design consultation, call Renaissance Exteriors & Remodeling at (616) 446-1248.

This blog post has been updated.